Welcome to the Blog

I am a giver by nature & I absolutely love sharing. Insider knowledge, top tips & handy facts are no different. When starting this blog it was all business, but then I began opening up more & decided to share a side of me that might just relate to someone.
As well as useful business advice, you can also learn more about my business 'why' & my mental health journey.

looking for something?

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For busy business owners striving to enhance efficiency and productivity, finding the right project management tool is essential. There are many project management tools out there, and all of them are designed to help streamline and organise your business. You may have heard of Trello, Asana, Clickup, Notion etc. All of them are great but […]

February 27, 2024

Asana for Business: How to skyrocket productivity

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Remote working – love it or hate it? So many business owners start their business for the flexibility and freedom. However, the reality of remote work can mean long, lonely, isolated days. I want to share with you how you can survive AND thrive working remotely, for yourself. ‌ Benefits of remote working Before we […]

January 22, 2024

Survive AND thrive as a remote working business owner

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Introduction Non-negotiables are essential in business – these are the clear rules that you won’t budge on, no matter what. For most of us, we learn along the way just how important these non-negotiables are; usually after we let one slip and quickly realise why we shouldn’t have. Here are the top non-negotiables I follow […]

January 22, 2024

Small business non-negotiables: The unspoken rules you shouldn’t ignore

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Now I’m 40, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that has led me to this point so far. There have been many highs and lows along the way – trust me, it hasn’t been easy but it’s been so rewarding. With the new year upon us, I’m feeling an extra layer of […]

January 22, 2024

Embracing new beginnings with courage and confidence.

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Networking. No matter the size of your business or the industry you work in, networking is essential. It’s how to make connections and build relationships with those in the wider business world. The catch? It can be intimidating and maybe even awkward. For the introverted business owner, networking might feel like your worst nightmare. I […]

January 22, 2024

Embracing networking: A guide for introverted small business owners

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I’ve spoken before about my cancer journey (you can read it here), but this post focuses on my mental health struggles after my latest diagnosis and how this affected me physically. I want to share this deeply personal experience not only to open up about myself but also to remind others going through similar challenges […]

November 8, 2023

When Physical Recovery Isn’t Enough: My Mental Health After Cancer

Woman smiling, fur hat and blue coat with the hood up
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Running your own business can feel like you’re spinning multiple plates, each one demanding your time, energy and full attention. In the early stages of business, it’s easy to believe you have to handle everything yourself, especially in terms of cost and being the main face. But here’s the truth; even the most successful businesses […]

November 8, 2023

Why a Unicorn Virtual Assistant is the Missing Piece in Your Business Puzzle

Lady smiling holding a cup of tea. Cream jumper, dark shoulder length hair and wearing glasses
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First of all, congratulations! You’ve reached a significant milestone in your business journey, where you’re ready to bring in some extra support. This is a big step, and it’s important to make the right decision. Now you’re here, maybe you find yourself wondering what the best solution for your business may be. Should you opt […]

November 8, 2023

Virtual Assistants vs Traditional Employees: How busy business owners can make the right choice

Woman outside with trees, green long coat, black scarf, smiling
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As a business owner, we’re no strangers to the constant barrage of decisions that come our way. Some are as trivial as choosing between two coffee blends for the office, while others can have a profound impact on the future of your company. It’s easy to find yourself drowning in a sea of choices, and […]

November 8, 2023

Mastering Decision Making as a Business Owner

Lady wearing green coat with a black cat.
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As a business owner, you wear many hats. You handle sales, service, operations, finance, marketing, HR – the list goes on. It’s natural to want control over all aspects of your thriving company. But what if your involvement in every single task and decision is actually limiting your growth? What if you are unintentionally bottlenecking […]

September 8, 2023

Are You the Bottleneck in Your Own Business Growth?