Welcome to the Blog

I am a giver by nature & I absolutely love sharing. Insider knowledge, top tips & handy facts are no different. When starting this blog it was all business, but then I began opening up more & decided to share a side of me that might just relate to someone.
As well as useful business advice, you can also learn more about my business 'why' & my mental health journey.

looking for something?

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Turning 40 this August has made me reflect on my journey so far. I’ve had many challenges over the years, which you can read about here. The lessons I have learnt along the way now apply to my work supporting CEOs and business leaders. Here are five key takeaways: Focus on Showing Up In both […]

September 8, 2023

Lessons from Turning 40: How My Life Experience Helps Me Support CEOs

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Working with an Executive Virtual Assistant can save you hours each day. More than just an extra pair of hands, an Executive Virtual Assistant (EVA) is a life changer, a strategic partner dedicated to giving you back all-important time. Here is how we help our clients reclaim time in their day by working with us! […]

September 8, 2023

Reclaim at least 3 hours a day with an Executive Assistant!

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Introduction ‌In life, we often find ourselves faced with challenges and opportunities that test our resilience and determination. For me, the past decade has been a rollercoaster of experiences, both professionally and personally. However, I owe much of my growth and success as a businesswoman to one incredible person – my husband. Throughout the years, […]

August 14, 2023

A Journey of Love and Support: How My Husband Helped Shape My Entrepreneurial Success

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Introduction I often compare my job to working for the Government, Secret Service, or MI5. I am practically James Bond when it comes to secrecy and discretion. As an Executive Assistant with highly confidential information crossing my desk daily, from top-secret business plans to sensitive legal documents, I’ve seen it all! In this blog, I’ll […]

August 14, 2023

Confidentiality and Trust

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Introduction ‌As a business owner, you rely intrinsically on your motivation and energy levels. Your business depends on you making things happen. The trouble with motivation is that it can play hide and seek with us and can be harder to find than a unicorn on some days. When you lack motivation, you can question […]

August 14, 2023

Embracing the Elusive Motivation: Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Drive

Lady wearing green coat with a black cat.
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As a business owner, it’s no secret that your to-do list can feel never-ending. With the constant demands of growing your business, unexpected tasks can throw your schedule off balance, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and dropping balls. But what if there was a way to have CEO-level support without the expense of hiring a full-time […]

July 3, 2023

Streamline Your Business with Freelance Executive Assistants

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Transforming Your Business and Personal Life Taking control of your business can sometimes feel like a never-ending juggling act, requiring strategic decision-making and effective time management. It sounds exhausting, right? Don’t worry; we have a game-changing solution for you: outsourcing specific tasks to an executive assistant. In this blog, we’re going to dive into the […]

July 3, 2023

The Ripple Effect of Outsourcing to an Executive Assistant

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Running a business can be time-consuming and exhausting, but it’s important not to forget about your own well-being in the process – because, ultimately, you are your business. Prioritising yourself means taking care of your physical and mental health, setting boundaries, and making time for the things that matter most. In this blog post, we’ll […]

July 3, 2023

The Importance of Prioritising Yourself

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If you’re a business owner looking to hire an Executive Assistant or already have one, you might be wondering how much autonomy to grant them. It’s a common dilemma – you don’t want to micromanage, but you also want to stay informed and ensure everything runs smoothly. Clearly Define Expectations To avoid misunderstandings and set […]

May 11, 2023

Finding the Right Balance: How Much Autonomy Should You Give Your Executive Assistant?

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As a new business owner, you’re full of excitement and ambition to bring your vision to life. You can’t wait to dive into exciting projects and make a name for yourself in the industry. But the reality of running a business is that you’ll often find yourself tackling tasks that fall outside your area of […]

April 12, 2023

Managing the different functions of your business