Welcome to the Blog

I am a giver by nature & I absolutely love sharing. Insider knowledge, top tips & handy facts are no different. When starting this blog it was all business, but then I began opening up more & decided to share a side of me that might just relate to someone.
As well as useful business advice, you can also learn more about my business 'why' & my mental health journey.

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If you’re here looking for time management tips, chances are you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to balance work and life. It’s totally normal to feel this way, especially when you have so many personal responsibilities to juggle on top of work. You might have already tried some of the more traditional productivity methods, like the […]

April 12, 2023

Time Management for Rebels: Breaking the Rules and Getting Stuff Done

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Running a business is never easy, and when times get tough, it’s often our “why” that keeps us going.

But what exactly is a “why”?

Simply put, it’s the driving force behind everything we do. It’s the reason we get out of bed in the morning, the reason we pour countless hours and energy into our craft, and the reason we keep going, even when the going gets tough.

March 8, 2023

The Importance of Finding Your “Why”

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Virtual Assistant services are becoming increasingly popular for businesses of all sizes as a flexible, cost-effective alternative to an employee.

With many businesses adopting the new normal of remote work, there are no barriers to success with working with a Virtual Assistant.

March 8, 2023

Maximizing Efficiency with a Virtual Assistant: The Ultimate Guide

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Welcome to your New Showit Blog! This is your very first blog post. You can edit or delete it by logging into your WordPress Dashboard. Additional details about blogging with Showit can be found here.

January 12, 2023

Hello world!